Polskie Dokumenty Dyplomatyczne 1975
- Paweł Machcewicz ( red ), współpraca Piotr Długołęcki
- Polskie Dokumenty Dyplomatyczne 1975
- Publication date: 2010
- Pages: 946
- Hard cover
- Format: 16 x 24 cm
This 13th volume in the series Polish Diplomatic Documents presents Polish diplomatic activity in 1975.
The highlights of the year included coming to terms with the Federal Republic of Germany on a so-called indemnity agreement and a credit agreement, and the signing of a protocolar provision opening the way for 125,000 people to leave Poland for the Federal Republic of Germany over a span of four years.
On the multilateral level, the top event was the signing of the CSCE Final Act in Helsinki on 1 August.
The vigor of Polish diplomacy in the middle of the “Gierek decade” found reflection in visits paid to Poland by U.S. President Gerald Ford and by French President Valery Giscard d`Estaing.Another interesting component of Polish foreign policy effort were contacts with the Holy See and their impact on the government’s relations with the Church hierarchy at home.
Richly documented in the volume are materials on Poland’s engagement in the closing stage of the Vietnam war.
The source materials in the volume, created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Central Committee of the Communist party, have for the most part never been published before. The volume has a name index, and an extended subject index, and it carries information (in the preface and annexes) about the organizational structure and functioning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.